the eye institute of west florida

Dr. Robert Weinstock trials Beyeonics™ Surgery Headset

Robert Weinstock Trials Beyeonics Visualization System

Our very own Dr. Robert Weinstock is the first ophthalmologist in the US to try out a breakthrough new virtual reality headset to help improve cataract surgery.

Using the same technology that fighter pilots use in the cockpit, the Beyeonics™ virtual reality headset system enables the surgeon to virtually step into a detailed environment of your eye in order to perform surgery, complete with health information and test results in plain view so the surgeon never has to look assay from your eye for other information.

With all this information readily available at the surgeon’s disposal, cataract surgery can be performed more efficiently with better decision making.  This leads to better outcomes for patients.

More information on the Beyeonics™ visualization can be found at beyeonics.com.

To schedule a cataract evaluation with Dr. Robert Weinstock or any of our other Cataract Specialists, click here or call (727) 581-8706.

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