the eye institute of west florida

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We are in this together. Our staff and administration are taking extra precautions throughout our offices to ensure everyone’s safety. In addition to the screening and mask protocols instituted for our patients, we are doing the following:

  • Staff are taking their temperatures and screened for any COVID-19 symptoms prior to starting their shift.
  • Staff are wearing protective gear including face mask, safety glasses, gloves, scrubs and drapes that are either sanitized or discarded each day.
  • Staff are wiping down the exam room including chairs, desk, computer, slit lamp, door handles and light switches after every patient.
  • Staff are wiping down testing equipment before and after every test is administered.
  • Lobby chairs have been arranged for social distancing 6 feet apart.
  • Staff are escorting patients into exam rooms 10 feet apart.
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Category: COVID-19
LASIK Self-Test Cataract Self-Test