the eye institute of west florida

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Our approach to cosmetic surgery comes with the understanding that your general well-being is closely linked to the way you feel about your appearance. Her philosophy – along with her surgical technique – helps patients seeking eyelid surgery to achieve the physical health and emotional happiness they want. You may be a candidate for eyelid surgery in Clearwater, Largo and St. Petersburg if:

  • Your peripheral vision is obscured by excess skin and fat in the upper or lower eyelids
  • Droopy lower eyelids expose the whites of your eyes
  • You have realistic expectations concerning the outcome of your procedure
  • You are aware of the surgical risks and do not possess any medical or ophthalmic conditions that may elevate the risks involved in the surgery

For a more complete facial rejuvenation, The Aesthetic Institute of West Florida can combine eyelid surgery with a brow lift. Sometimes, a brow lift alone accomplishes the improvements you are looking for by raising sagging eyebrows. Our doctors will help make this decision easier by providing you with a detailed physical examination and then discussing your facial sculpting options with you.

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Category: Oculoplastic Surgery
LASIK Self-Test Cataract Self-Test