the eye institute of west florida

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Many people experience the phenomenon known as “Second Eye Syndrome” after cataract surgery.

Second Eye Syndrome is an occurrence that is seen with most patients. The patient feels their second eye surgery is completely different than the first eye. Patients will often state, “I don’t remember any of this from last time”, “you didn’t do this with my other eye”, or “I was asleep for this last time”. We do each procedure the same and as state above, patients are not asleep for this procedure as we need them to cooperate. The syndrome can best be described by saying it is like watching a movie for the second time. You tend to pick up on a lot more things that second time around. This is coupled with the fact that the “Versed” given to you has short term amnesia (forgetfulness) associated with it. This amnesia may prevent you from remembering everything about the second eye as well.

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Category: Cataract Surgery
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